The Best Way to Track your Matched Bets

Matched betting is a brilliant strategy to make money online. More and more people are taking part each day. The whole point of matched betting is taking advantage of bookies free bets and promotions to make a guaranteed profit. The more offers you complete, the more money you’ll make. It really is that simple.

This means matched bettors place quite a few bets each day. Keeping organised in matched betting is very important so you know exactly what bets you’ve got on etc and how much you’re going to make from each offer. This means you need to record quite a bit of data for each bet. So how do you keep track of all your bets and the amount of money you make from each offer?

Before sites like The Sure Bettor this was a manual process of writing down each bet you made and recording the profit using an excel spreadsheet. A perfectly suitable method but incredibly inefficient. The time taken to track bets using a spreadsheet could have been used to complete more offers and ultimately make more money.

Tracking Matched Bets at The Sure Bettor

As matched betting experts we understand the need to record each completed offer. But we also know moving on to new offers is the key to making a success out of matched betting. That’s why here at The Sure Bettor we’ve built very comprehensive tracking features for our premium members. We call this feature Tracking Plus.

The process is very simple: Complete an offer and record it all within your account. All you need to do is enter the profit you make from the offer, hit ‘Complete Offer’ and that’s it. The site does the rest for you. That’s your bet tracked and it will be stored in our database for as long as you are a member with us at The Sure Bettor.

All of your bets are then stored in an easy to use and customisable table. You’ll also find monthly and overall profit stats in this table. There is a brilliant feature that lets you set your own target for the coming months and track your progress along the way. There are also a number of different graphs which help visualise your monthly and overall activity within your premium account.

All in all the matched betting tracking features at The Sure Bettor are a brilliant and easy to use alternative to an excel spreadsheet!

Why not give matched betting a go and make £45 today? It’s free to sign up.

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