OddsMonkey OddsMatcher – A guide to using the software in 2020

OddsMonkey is well known for creating some of the best software within the matched betting industry. Their tools are trusted by thousands of matched bettors throughout the UK and further afield.

In today’s article, we’re going to check out one tool in particular, the OddsMatcher.

Specifically, we’re going to look at what the tool is, how it works and how you can use it to maximise your income in 2020.

Ready? Let’s dive in.

What is the OddsMatcher?

First up, let’s check out what the OddsMatcher actually is.

OddsMonkey OddsMatcher software

For those of you that don’t know, odds matching software is used by matched bettors to find, sort and compare odds between the bookmakers and the betting exchange.

It’s one of the most important tools that matched bettors use as it speeds the process up, whilst helping you maximise the profit you make.

What used to be a slow and manual process is now incredibly easy thanks to the OddsMonkey OddsMatcher. The software does all the hard work for you removing any stress from matched betting.

Being the first site to create odds matching software back in 2011, OddsMonkey has continued to develop the tool and improve its functionality and ease of use.

So how does the tool work?

How the OddsMatcher works

The OddsMatcher works by scanning various bookmakers websites and finding close matches (in terms of odds) between the bookie and the betting exchange.

OddsMonkey’s software compares odds at over 90 bookmakers and the 4 main betting exchanges meaning there’s always a market to place your bets on.

As you may know, matched betting involves placing two bets. One at the bookmaker and one at the betting exchange.

This process is used to cancel out any risk from your bets. However, in doing so, you’ll typically lose a small amount of money. This is called the qualifying loss.

Now, the aim is to minimise this qualifying loss in order to maximise your profit from the free bet. The closer the odds between the bookmaker and the betting exchange, the lower your qualifying loss will be.

Free bets

So if you find odds of 3.0 and 3.2 vs 3.0 and 4.0, the first set of odds would be better.

That’s where the OddsMatcher comes in handy. This tool helps you find markets which have the lowest qualifying loss.

Now we know more about what the OddsMatcher is used for, let’s check out how you use the tool.

Using the OddsMatcher

So how do you use the OddsMatcher?

As I mentioned earlier, the OddsMatcher will help you maximise your income from matched betting so it’s vital you understand how to use it.

I recommend you use the tool for every matched bet you place. Whilst it’s not always necessary, it gets you into a good habit of using the software.

Thankfully, OddsMonkey has made the tool incredibly easy to use. To get started, follow the simple process below:

Note: you’ll need a free account with OddsMonkey to access the tool. Use the following link to register your account: https://thesurebettor.com/go/oddsmonkey/

Once you’re logged in to your OddsMonkey account, head to Tools then OddsMatcher and it should look something like this:

OddsMonkey odds matching tool

You’ll see a list of matches that the software has found along with the rating in red and which bookmaker and betting exchange the match is with.

On the right-hand side, the OddsMatcher tool also displays the amount available to bet (otherwise known as the liquidity).

In the image above, you can see the first few matches have £64 available to bet.

Sometimes the software brings up matches where the liquidity is too low. In this case, you should look for matches with higher liquidity.

For example, the following match only has £11 available. For most of your bets, this will be too low.

OddsMatcher example

The OddsMonkey software also allows you to filter by the following conditions:

  • Sports
  • Markets
  • Bookmakers
  • Betting exchanges

You can also save your filters for future searches saving you time and effort.

OddsMatcher filters

Another great benefit of the OddsMatcher is that it lets you set email notifications for certain criteria.

Whilst this is currently limited to 6 email notifications per account, it gives you a great opportunity to place your bets with the exact requirements you’re looking for.

There are also various other settings you can change. You can find out more by heading over to OddsMonkey.

Direct links to 3rd party sites

To make things easy and to speed the process up, OddsMonkey links directly to the markets at the bookmakers and betting exchanges.

Simply click on the bookmaker image and you’ll be redirected. How easy is that!

It means you don’t have to waste time manually searching for markets within a bookmaker.

Access OddsMonkey’s OddsMatcher

As I mentioned earlier, to access this brilliant tool from OddsMonkey, you need to have an account.

Not signed up yet? Why not get started with a free trial today.

Get started with OddsMonkey

Want to take your earnings to the next level? You can also opt for a monthly membership at OddsMonkey.

They offer a 30-day money-back guarantee if you’re not completely satisfied with your membership. You really have nothing to lose!

As part of your membership, you’ll also have access to:

  • Brilliant matched betting tutorials
  • Outstanding support
  • Opportunity to earn up to £1000 each month

What more could you ask for?

Access your OddsMonkey discount via the following link.